Monday, January 26, 2009

Dreaming of a white Christmas

Olivia has been asking me when we it will be Christmas again. I have reviewed the list of birthdays and holidays to try to give her a timeline, yet she still proves to be anxious for the holidays to return.

And why shouldn't she? We had a wonderful Christmas this year. We had a lot of time together inside because it snowed almost everyday for the ten days before Christmas. We were able to spend time with our dad and our brothers playing games and building snowmen and it all came to a climax on Christmas with some great presents from Santa.

Yesterday, we woke up to snow. It was beautiful because it was not sticking to the roads but it was sticking to the lawns. It fell for most of the day.

When Olivia woke up, she excitedly announced, "Mom, it's the holidays!!!"

Then she spent the better part of the day singing, "It's a jolly, jolly Christmas. It's the best time of the year."

We only have eleven more months to go. Keep singing!!!

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